Learning new things today
💬Vocabulary 💡 10. EYE-POPPING adjective • Visually astonishing, stunning, incredible. 11. INANIMATE • adj 1: (linguistics) belonging to the class of nouns denoting nonliving things; "the word car is inanimate" ant: {animate} • 2: not endowed with life; "the inorganic world is inanimate"; "inanimate objects"; "dead stones" syn: {nonliving}, {dead} ant: {animate} • 3: appearing dead; not breathing or having no perceptible pulse; "an inanimate body"; "pulseless and dead" syn: {breathless}, {pulseless} 12. INGRAIN • v 1: thoroughly work in; "His hands were grained with dirt" syn: {grain} • 2: make a deep and indelible impression on someone syn: {impress}, {instill} 13. SNATCH pronunciation verb (snatches, snatching; past and past participle snatched) • To grasp quickly. • To attempt to seize something suddenly; to catch. • To take or seize hastily, abrup...